The following Conditions are related to Delayed growth

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Mps disorder type vii

    The most severe cases of MPS VII are characterized by hydrops fetalis, or when excess fluid accumulates in the body before birth. This can result in a stillborn or death shortly after birth. Neonatal jaundice or the yellowing of the skin may occur. Children with more mild cases of MPS VII begin to show symptoms in early childhood. Children with MPS VII may have an unusually short trunk and growth disability, resulting in short stature  Read More

  • Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia

    The specific signs and symptoms of these disorders can vary from one person to another, even among those with the same subtype. Onset is usually in early childhood. Pain in the hips and knees following exercise is usually the initial sign of these disorders. Affected children may fatigue easily. Some affected children develop a waddling manner of walking (abnormal gait). Growth deficiency occurs in childhood and some children may be short for  Read More